Tuesday, November 13, 2012

After Action Report: National Socialist Movement Rally on November 12, 2012, in Charlotte, North Carolina

On the afternoon of Saturday, November 10, 2012, the National Socialist Movement held a meeting and rally in Charlotte, North Carolina. Members from Idaho, Arizona, Florida, Ohio and all points in between attended our semi-annual gathering. Charlotte was chosen because of the influx of illegal aliens, economic decline and the increasing incidents of black on white crime.

We, in the National Socialist Movement hold our rallies on or around November 9th. to commemorate the Beer Hall Putsch of November 9, 1923, when Adolph Hitler attempted to assume power. "The National Revolution has begun!" Hitler shouted.

In support, members of the Loyal Knights of the Ku Klux Klan joined our ranks as we marched on downtown Charlotte. We were greeted by a wide assortment of characters, including people dressed like clowns, tooting horns, blowing whistles and banging on drums. 

Also in attendance were the usual suspects, including anarchists, S.H.A.R.P.'s, hippies, Communists and outright degenerates. One protester claimed to be a Mexican Gypsy, whatever that is. The demonstrators were an assemblage of the flotsam and jetsam of humanity.

We formed up on a grassy area in front of the Charlotte police station. The speeches began with Commander Schoep, who was clear to point out that Mexican culture is fine, as long as it stays in Mexico. The NSM will patrol the Mexican border to defend our nation and White America.

Commander Schoep also encouraged the people of all nations to return to their homelands and fight for the advancement of National Socialism for the mutual benefit of their own people. The two party "monopoly" of the United States is a failed system destined for total failure. The Presidential election held earlier in the week clearly shows how much of a failure our nation's "experiment in democracy" has been.

"You call yourselves liberals?. A true liberal is someone that's tolerant." I don't see a lot of tolerance from my enemies today. I don't see a lot of tolerance, at all", said Commander Schoep.

NSM COS SS S. Sgt. Fred Cook stepped up to the microphone and spoke of major issues affecting our nation and how the National Socialist Movement works in the community to make our neighborhoods better places to live. COS Cook went on to say, "We love our nation. We love our folk and we defend White Civil Rights, entirely." Of course, our opponents translate that into hatred and bigotry.

As he has so well before, Capt. Brian Culpepper spelled out a financially responsible plan for America under a National Socialist system. A plan that can cut spending, but keep social programs intact for those really in need. He reiterated the flaw in our current system that leads people to dependency on government.

Myself, along with representatives of the Loyal Knights also spoke out against illegal immigration, illegal drugs and what may happen to this country in a few short decades when our population reaches towards 500 million people. After all, we cannot sustain our current population, as it is.

After all the speeches were over and we said what we had to say, it was time to exit the venue. The degenerates, clowns and anarchists flanked us all the way down the street towards our parking area. They continued to shout profanities and make noise. Some of the S.H.A.R.P.'s and antifa scum decided to get in front of us and lay down in the middle of the street in a feeble attempt to block our way.

One large black man, wearing a green jacket, became so enraged that police had to pull him aside for his safety. As for the people laying in the street, we simply walked by them and went to our vehicles.

Our rally went off without any casualties or arrests. After we returned to our hotel, we held a get together with food fun and camaraderie. Rally Slideshow Protesters Video

SS Lt. Harry L. Hughes III
Director, N.S.M. Region 11/N.S.M.-AZ Media Spokesman
N.S.M.-MEDIA Associate Producer

White nationalist group American Renaissance cancels Charlotte conference

Theresa El-Amin, a coordinator for the Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN), described American Renaissance, also known as the New Century Foundation, as “the elite of the white supremacist movement.” American Renaissance has been classified as a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).

American Renaissance’s annual conference in 2010 was canceled when hotels in the Washington, D.C.-area nixed reservations after pressure from protesters. Full Story

The NSM was also pressured and threatened about coming to Charlotte. The Communists and anarchists did not want us to come. They went as far as telling us that we would not be marching on their streets. Unlike other groups, we did NOT back down. We did NOT retreat. We came to Charlotte, marched on their streets and they couldn't stop us. The best these people could do is imitate road pizza on the street in front of us.

Even if we proved nothing else, we clearly sent a message to the ARA, antifa and the rest of the Communists that we will not be intimidated. We kept our word!

“I'm a 9th generation American and patriot (1737). My forefathers served in the Pennsylvania Militia. On June 27, 1781, they were called upon to perform a tour of duty. I'm still protecting freedom and securing the border, 275 years later.” --Harry L Hughes III

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